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9 Ways to Effectively Deal With Customers’ Emotions in Business



May 01, 2017

Part of running a business is dealing with many different emotions in business, particularly the emotions of your customers. While it can take years to successfully master the art of tactfully and intelligently addressing customers’ emotions, you can always equip yourself with useful information and train yourself to be better at using emotions in both marketing and customer experiences. In this post, we will uncover nine important tips every company should consider when dealing with emotions in business, especially on social media.

  1. Share Authentic Emotions: If you want to evoke an emotional response from your consumers and prospective customers, you have to showcase your own emotions. Today, more businesses are recognizing the importance of humanizing their brands. Don’t hide behind a glossy corporate logo. Show the public the people who are involved in making the business a success. Share human stories. Personalize everything. And most important of all, make sure that every personalized, emotional moment you share whether that is face-to-face interaction or an inspiring video, is completely genuine. People know insincerity when they see it, so make sure you have something authentic to share and don’t be afraid to show your target audience your human side instead of just a professional image.
  2. Market to The Heart, Not The Head: Human beings aren’t exactly the most rational creatures. People rarely buy a product for logical reasons, even if it seems like it on the surface level. People buy when they feel the need to. Feel is the operative word here. If you want to up your sales, you have to pull at the heartstrings of your target audience. To do this, you need to have an intimate understanding of who your ideal customer is. Get to know their likes and dislikes, hobbies and habits, passions and fears. Know them as a person and not just a customer. Once you do that, you know the secret to marketing with an appeal to a person’s emotions.
  3. Build a Community: If you start building a social media presence with the sole purpose of advertising your products or services and no intention of building your brand identity, you are setting yourself up for failure. Social media is one of the greatest assets available to businesses who want to grow and strengthen their brand. But building a brand requires several different components, one of the most essential being a drive to make consumers a part of the brand. Businesses need to focus on building a community on social media rather than just trying to get more prospective customers. In order to gain customers (and loyal, repeat customers at that), you have to create a community that they want to be a part of. Create an environment of exclusivity.
  4. Master The Art of Infotainment: Infotainment, the combination of information and entertainment, is rapidly becoming a necessary component when it comes to producing high quality, engaging video content that actually intrigues the viewer. As we begin the new year, we will see a huge surge in how much video is used by brands and how many people watch videos on social media. But you can’t just jump on the video content bandwagon and expect success. The videos your business creates absolutely must provide valuable content to your target audience while keeping them entertained. Information without entertainment is now boring to social media users. The information you present to your target audience must be both useful and something that leaves viewers amused, happy, thoughtful, or stirred up with any other positive emotion.
  5. Focus on The Consumer, Not The Product: In every scenario, make it about the consumer and not the product. When you are marketing, it’s about the consumer, their experience, and how they feel. When you are sharing a video, make the focus less on your company, product, or service, and more on the consumer. Show your target audience that your company is in the business of recognizing their importance and value and not in just trying to make them a paying customer.
  6. Know Your Purpose And Your Mission: If you didn’t do it in the beginning stage of your business, you should do it now. Clearly define the intent of your company and your mission. This will instill a greater passion about what you do and will help your target audience not only see that passion in you, but develop it themselves. Give your target audience a company worth being passionate about. Create an energy that makes prospective customers want you over your competitors.
  7. Acknowledge The Negative Emotions: Part of running a business is dealing with unhappy customers. It is an inevitable part of the industry and the key to successfully handling issues and maintaining a thriving business is to never dismiss a customer’s frustrations. Addressing negative emotions is just as important as looking for ways to evoke positive ones from a customer. If a social media follower posts a bad review on your Facebook page, respond swiftly, tactfully, and helpfully. Showcase humility and a willingness to fix the problem. And remember that handling the negative emotions of customers is something done both online and offline today. When it’s on social media, it is vital to handle the problem right away as a customer’s negative feedback or bad experience is public.
  8. Promote The Lifestyle, Not Just The Product or Service: To genuinely appeal to the emotions of your target audience, you cannot simply and overtly advertise the products or services that you have to offer. Instead, focus on promoting the lifestyle that your target audience can have when they purchase a product or service from you. Show them how that product or service will add value to their lives rather than make the detrimental mistake of just trying to force feed them a sales pitch. One way many businesses are promoting lifestyles instead of tangible goods or services is by taking to Instagram. Focus on building your presence on this social media site and others that are similar to showcase what your target audience could have when they choose what you have to offer.
  9. Remember That Communication is a Two-Way Street: Clearly, you have a message for your target audience and you want to deliver it in such a way that is effective and will capture and retain their attention. At the same time, you have to remember that listening to your customers is equally as important. Pay attention to what they say on social media, respond when appropriate, actively listen when speaking with them face-to-face, and take other necessary, calculated measures to optimize your communication strategy. One of the simplest ways to make your customers feel valued and establish a lasting bond with them is by listening to what they have to say and articulating how much you appreciate their feedback. After all, without your customers you wouldn’t be in business. Find creative ways to remind them of that and thank them for choosing your business over the business of your competitors.

Looking for more advice on growing your marketing strategy and creating a better experience for your customers? Keep reading our blog posts and don’t hesitate to get a hold of us today for more information! We are passionate about helping businesses build strong relationships with their customers.


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